Utah Hachicon


Cosplay Contest

Do you love making costumes for your favorite characters? Do you have a passion for performance? Do you constantly tell yourself “Yeah I have time to make that” and then end up hot gluing embellishments on the night before the con?


If you said yes to any of those things, then you would LOVE signing up for the HachiCon Cosplay Contest!

Sign ups for the contest will be open May 25th at 3pm MST, and we’ll be accepting entries for all skill levels! Check out the rules and guidelines below, and feel free to message us with any questions or concerns, our email address is Cosplay@UtahHachiCon.com!
So whether you’re a seasoned competitor or you’re making your very first cosplay, we’d love to have you on board for the very first HachiCon Cosplay Contest! ✨️

See our contest rules here:

Cosplay contest submission form:

Get a sneak peak at what kind of awesome prizes you can win from our amazing cosplay contest sponsors here!